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Michaël Sheehy

Mr. Sheehy has been part of the team for almost one year and has been involved in the hotel industry for over 20 years. With a strong experience in hotel marketing, customer service, representation in the region’s major resorts, and a diversified network of contacts, he now ensures the global positioning of the Bureau des congrès Lac-Saint-Jean. Through his expertise, he helped many hotels in the region taking the 2.0 shift. Team worker and IT passionate, he holds a bachelor’s degree from Université du Québec à Chicoutimi. It is with passion and thoroughness that the establishes excellent relationships with partners of the tourism industry and the business people with whom he collaborates.

Native of Saguenay and dog lover, he loves last-minute hotel getaways, dinners in the open air, information technologies and a Chinese fondue in good company while watching hockey!